Leading Through Trust & Conflict (LTTC)
Learning the art of navigating
difficult conversations

Managing a tricky client; giving a colleague feedback about their behavior; setting boundaries with your manager: the things that have the biggest impact on your day-to-day life rely on your ability to have conversations that feel uncomfortable or risky. The good news is that the skill of having difficult conversations can be learned. Whilst having them may feel hard at times, those courageous conversations hold the greatest potential for creating positive change.

lttc human centric leaders

For whom

Seasoned executives, managers, team leaders, HR/L&D managers – anyone who works with teams under high pressure and wants to foster a more collaborative atmosphere


A 2-day interactive training available in multiple languages (EN/FR/DE)


In room, virtual or hybrid

Leading Through Trust & Conflict Program Outcomes

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Shift your mindset

From outcome to impact, from task to relationship, and from control to dialogue.

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Listen and Name

Listening to the other’s perspective even when they push our buttons is an art of centering. Naming the impact people’s behaviors have on us, as well as setting boundaries requires practice in benevolent assertiveness

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Get out of the narrative in your head

Become curious about your own assumptions and biases and create a space for mutual understanding

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Turn conflict into a gift

Transform conflict into an opportunity to express how much you care and shift relationships and entire systems.

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“The LTTC program is unique in the way it breaks down conflict management into easy learnable segments. The program has impacted me so much that I now co-lead with HCL the delivery of this workshop at my company."
anais muller
Anaïs Müller
HR Business Partner, Swisscom AG
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Your Participant Journey

Learn to navigate conflict with the Conflict Agility Map that teaches you how to prepare for, navigate and move past difficult conversations during this 2-day program. On day 1 we will learn to be centered, diagnose and plan a dialogue whereas on day 2 we will practice how to create the space for and navigate the conversation itself.


  • Managing my emotions
  • Setting my intentions


  • My assumption / their assumption
  • My bias / their bias
  • My stories / their stories
  • My impact / their impact


  • What needs to be named
  • What needs to stop
  • What I’m committing to listen to
  • What I need to let go of

Create Space

  • Soft Start
  • Being mindful of space, location and time


Navigate Dialogue

  • Empathetic shifts
  • Not sticking to the script
  • Mastering reflexes
  • Alignment beyond disagreements

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conflict hcl
conflict resolution

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